the life and times of the craziest woman you know


tom's christening

me and my godson tom at the church Posted by Picasa

tom snoozes after a busy day of being handed around and looking like a rock star Posted by Picasa

tom's gorgeous big sister enjoying LOTS of chocolate cake! Posted by Picasa


mmm nuts...

i have rediscovered the joy of having a bag of nuts (the healthy food stuff type...) on my desk and being able to nibble at them! (please avoid all dodgy inuendo at this point...i'll tell you when that's needed)

anyhoo, apart from the work and the watching of television and nearly being killed on the local roads i've been doing little. no, not really, more realistic would be me having little time to do anything, and i have a feeling the year hasn't even begun yet! it's amazing how much work some people believe can be squeezed into a week.

to be honest my day to day life isn't exactly world changing stuff, though i have bullied my flat mates into recycling properly! will and i had a good weekend and on sat i'm going to the knitting and stitching show wit me mam. see not particularly exciting!

so i'll leave you to your mental meanderings...